Connecting to a SQL Database
/documentation/pages/Guides/Databases/Connecting/Connecting to a SQL Database.xml
How to define a connection to a SQL database, procedural steps included.
How to Dynamically Connect to a Database Using an Encrypted Password
/documentation/pages/HowTo/Databases/Dynamically Connecting to a Database Using an Encrypted Password.xml
Connecting to databases using dynamic connection strings can be done securely.
Close Connection to SQL Database
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/Data/SQL/Close Connection to SQL Database.xml
The Close Connection to SQL Database action allows you to close a connection to a SQL database in a Desktop Application. This action must be preceded by the Connect to SQL Database action.
Execute UPDATE Query on a SQL Database
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/Data/SQL/Execute UPDATE Query on a SQL Database.xml
The Execute UPDATE Query on a SQL Database action allows you to modify one or more records in a remote SQL database. Alpha Anywhere will use AlphaDAO (Alpha Data Access Objects) to connect to the remote database.
Execute INSERT Query on a SQL Database
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/Data/SQL/Execute INSERT Query on a SQL Database.xml
The Execute INSERT Query on a SQL Database action allows you to insert one or more records into a remote SQL database. Alpha Anywhere will use AlphaDAO (Alpha Data Access Objects) to connect to the remote database.
Execute SELECT Query on a SQL Database
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/Data/SQL/Execute SELECT Query on a SQL Database.xml
The Execute SELECT Query on a SQL Database action allows you to execute a SQL SELECT statement (a query) on a remote SQL database (or Excel spreadsheet) to retrieve one or more record(s). Alpha Anywhere will use AlphaDAO (Alpha Data Access Objects) to connect to the remote database.
Execute DELETE Query on a SQL Database
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/Data/SQL/Execute DELETE Query on a SQL Database.xml
The Execute DELETE Query on a SQL Database action allows you to delete one or more records from a remote SQL database. Alpha Anywhere will use AlphaDAO (Alpha Data Access Objects) to connect to the remote database.
Cannot Connect to Database

If drivers are missing or are not properly configured, a connection to a database can fail.

Export Database Tables to SQL Dialog
/documentation/pages/Guides/Desktop/Design/Data/SQL/Export Database Tables to SQL Dialog.xml
The Export Database Tables to SQL dialog helps you export one or more Alpha Anywhere .DBF tables to a back-end SQL database.
1: Connect to Database
/documentation/pages/Guides/Genies/Flying Start Genie/Connect to Database/index.xml
The first step in the Flying Start Genie is to configure the AlphaDAO connection to the database with the tables and views used for the generated Grid Components.